Monday, 2 June 2014

The Docter's Orders.

Pre-made dinners do not usually find there way into my families mouths. In an effort to eat cleaner and healthier, I try to make everything from scratch. But now and again Momma Mia needs a little help.  Fridays seem to be the worst. A 38 hour work week + tubbies, meals, chores, lunches etc. leaves my tank pretty low come Fridays.   Sooo.......... Dr. Oetker pizza to the rescue.

Yes I said it, store bought pizza, but let me assure you this one is the "cats meow" and takes the prize in our household.

The Dr. Oetker Panebello pizza's are so good.  I believe there are five flavors. I have tried the Vegetable and Goat Cheese, Chicken Fiesta and the Mediterranean. My girls like the pepperoni pizza, aka macaroni pizza.

Give it a try, I have a feeling you might like it too!

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