It really is an honor to be nominated for such an award. It must mean I am doing something right in this crazy blog world (wink).

Here are my questions from Grace!
11 Questions for my nominees:
1. What are your plans for summer vacation this year (Or what did you already do?)?
Camping, beach, visits from family and Cape Breton in the Fall.
2. What are your most used apps?
Ha, believe it or not I am a dinosaur when it comes to technology. I still only own a pay -as- you- go, flip phone.
3. What is your favorite tourist attraction in your country?
Niagara Falls is pretty cool, although the rocky mountains of Alberta will always have a place in my heart.
4. How many siblings do you have (Tell me their names and age if you do- I'm a very curious person!)?
6 altogether (5 step siblings)
5. What is your guilty pleasure (Come on, I know we all have one!)
Watching Bachelorette/Batchelor and chips and dip!
6. What are your top three movie recommendations?
Almost Famous, True Romance and August Rush!
7. What do you do when you are stressed out?
CLEAN! (not kidding in the least)
8. What is your proudest moment (Don't be shy!)?
When my babies were born. (amazing moments)
9. Which do you prefer- cookies or cupcakes?
Chocolate chip cookies for sure, yum! (just made some last night)
10. What is your go-to breakfast?
Smoothie, although I do like the occasional greasy bacon and eggs, hash-brown special.
11. Advice for new bloggers?
Be yourself! Write about things that you like and that interest you. Make your blog an extension of your personality.
I am now suppose to nominate 11 others but unfortunately I am a bit stretched for time this evening. :( Sorry
Another big huge thanks again to Grace for the nomination. Be sure to check out her sweet little blog too.